Science Can Now Turn Human Urine Into Brain Cells
2021-04-15 Reading,Chinese English,language sense,learning,bilingual
Chinese researchers have developed a new technique for isolating kidney cells from urine and turning them into neural progenitors. Not as gross as it sounds!

1 ways to keep your sleeping bag dry
2021-04-13 Reading,Chinese English,language sense,learning,bilingual
Start by waterproofing your compression sack

The ocean is a giant dump for chemical weapons. Can we clean it up before it’s too late?
2021-04-14 Reading,Chinese English,language sense,learning,bilingual
Millions of tons of discarded chemical munitions lie scattered across every ocean on the planet. Can we disband this pollution ticking time bomb before it explodes?

This granny can lift
2021-04-04 Reading,Chinese English,language sense,learning,bilingual
Chen Jifang poses with a fitness coach at a Shanghai gym. After three months of training, Chen lost 28 kilograms and her body-mass index returned to normal.

Better change yourself than the world
2021-04-03 Reading,Chinese English,language sense,learning,bilingual
There's a saying that really stuck with me

To be together forever is the real warrior.
2021-04-02 Reading,Chinese English,language sense,learning,bilingual
And the "divorce ratio" was 38%. In 2010, China's "divorce ratio" was 16%, an increase of 22 percentage points in eight years.

Will you regret it?
2021-04-01 Reading,Chinese English,language sense,learning,bilingual
There is only one thing worse than I thought, that is regret

Images: Life at Qinghai-Tibet Plateau
2021-03-31 Reading,Chinese English,language sense,learning,bilingual
With the advancement of China's modernization, lives of people living at the Qinghai-Tibet Plateau are also undergoing tremendous changes over the past few years.