美国总统唐纳德?特朗普(Donald Trump)下达了一条行政命令,禁止来自七个穆斯林国家的公民进入美国。在一家顶级美国商学院求学的伊朗MBA学生萨达?希拉万尼(Saaedah Shiravany,化名)表示,这条消息令她感到“空荡荡的”。
Saaedah Shiravany, an Iranian MBA student at a top US business school, says news of President Donald Trump’s executive order banning citizens from seven Muslim-majority countries from entering the US left her feeling “empty”.
Ms Shiravany (not her real name) worries that she will be unable to graduate because the ban, covering Iraq, Syria, Libya, Sudan, Yemen and Somalia as well as her homeland, would prevent her from participating in an overseas corporate assignment that is a requirement of her course. She fears that if she were to leave the US for the assignment, she may not be able to re-enter the country to complete her studies.
“This ban has robbed me of the experience I came here to have,” she says. Leaving the US would mean saying goodbye to completing her MBA next year. Ms Shiravany does not want to give her real name to the Financial Times because she fears that speaking out may affect her employment prospects.
对于陷入这一旅行禁令引发的混乱局面的国际商学院学生来说,该禁令的影响是令他们的学业和就业前景打上了问号。特朗普政府在上个月公布的这条禁令,试图限制来自上述七个穆斯林国家的移民和难民。在联邦法官詹姆斯?罗伯特(James Robart)发出暂停禁令的命令之后,特朗普这一行政命令在上周五暂停实施。周日,美国上诉法庭否决了司法部提出的恢复该禁令的请求,从而令该禁令依然处于冻结状态。
For international business school students caught up in the confusion surrounding the travel ban, the effect has been to throw their studies and employment prospects into doubt. The Trump administration’s ban, announced last month, sought to limit immigration and refugees from the seven Muslim-majority countries. The president’s executive order was halted on Friday after an order to lift the ban was issued by federal judge James Robart. It remains suspended after the US appeals court on Sunday denied a justice department request to reinstate it.
萨希娜兹?萨法里(Sahinaz Safari)是一名加拿大公民,在加州大学(University of California)哈斯商学院(Haas School of Business)攻读全日制MBA学位。由于出生在伊朗,她会成为这一旅行禁令的目标。
Sahinaz Safari is a Canadian citizen, studying full-time for an MBA degree at the University of California at Haas School of Business. Because she was born in Iran, she would be included in the travel ban.
萨法里已取消了下个月去柏林的行程。她原本定于在那里参加MBA世界峰会(MBA World Summit)。参加这次会议的100名商学院学生,是从逾3000份申请中挑选出来的。与希拉万尼一样,她害怕一旦该禁令继续实施下去,返程时会被挡在美国之外。萨法里表示,她的出生地是伊朗的事实,可能会毁了她在美国的实习计划。而在毕业后将学生签证换为工作许可、在美国重启职业生涯时,她可能还会面临问题。
Ms Safari has cancelled a trip to Berlin next month, where she was due to attend the MBA World Summit, a conference for 100 business school students selected from more than 3,000 applications. Like Ms Shiravany, she fears being barred from the US on her return if the ban goes ahead. Ms Safari says the fact of her birthplace could derail her US internship plans. She may also face problems changing her student visa into a work permit to restart her career in the US after graduation.
“I will stay here, like a prisoner, for another year and a half and then I’m forced out,” she says. “Where is the logic?”
Few people working and studying at US business schools would be likely to be affected by the ban if it were to be implemented, according to FT data. Just 0.4 per cent — 18 students — of all overseas MBA students at the 80 US business schools covered by the FT’s annual ranking survey hold passports from the seven countries named in Mr Trump’s executive order.
Almost all of those have passports from Iran. In the case of faculty, all 50 in the FT survey with passports subject to the ban are Iranian.
对美国商学院来说,由此产生的较长期问题是声誉上受到的损害,因为实施旅行禁令的可能性为未来的学生和教师带来了不确定性。各商学院已迅速行动起来,宣示对受该政令影响的学生的支持。上周,在从硅谷的斯坦福大学(Stanford University)到新英格兰地区的耶鲁管理学院(Yale School of Management)的各大校园,都出现了示威活动。
The longer-term problem for US business schools is reputational damage, as the possibility of a travel ban creates uncertainty for prospective students and faculty. Schools have been quick to show support for students affected by the executive order, with demonstrations last week at campuses from Stanford University in Silicon Valley to New England’s Yale School of Management.
包括哈佛商学院(Harvard Business School)院长尼廷?诺里亚(Nitin Nohria)在内的多个商学院负责人,表达了与被排除的人们团结一致的立场。诺里亚教授向学院的员工和学生发出了一封电子邮件,对白宫的“新政令”深表关切。
Nitin Nohria, dean of faculty at Harvard Business School, was among several school heads expressing solidarity with those excluded, sending an email to staff and students expressing deep concern about a “new order” in the White House.
Prof Nohria, a first-generation immigrant to the US from India, added that the travel ban created “anxiety and confusion” among students, including upset that family members may no longer be able to attend graduation events as well as uncertainty over career goals.
在乔治敦大学(Georgetown University)麦克多诺商学院(McDonough School of Business) 542名全日制MBA学生中,有一人被发现拥有的双重国籍中包括了所列七个国家之一。不过,学院代理院长罗恩?威廉森(Rohan Williamson)表示,该旅行禁令向所有来自美国以外的求学学生传递了负面信号,而这些学生占MBA学生的30%。
Of 542 full-time MBA students at Georgetown University’s McDonough School of Business, one has been identified as a dual citizen of one of the seven named countries. However, Rohan Williamson, the interim dean, says the travel ban sent a negative message to all students arriving to study from outside the US — 30 per cent of the MBA class.
根据由拉胡尔?乔达哈(Rahul Choudaha)编制的数据,多数来自被封杀国家、在美国注册课程的学生,参加的都是硕士或博士水平的课程。拉胡尔?乔达哈是InterEdge的联合创始人,这是一家为寻求美国工作签证的海外学生提供支持的公司。不过,乔达哈的团队发现,去年在美国大学登记的12269名伊朗学生中,攻读商学或管理学位的比例不到5%。
Most students from the banned countries who are enrolled in courses in the US are on masters or doctoral level programmes, according to figures compiled by Rahul Choudaha, co-founder of InterEdge, which provides support to overseas students seeking US work visas. However, of 12,269 Iranian students enrolled at US universities last year, Mr Choudaha’s team found that less than 5 per cent were working on degrees in business or management.
Critical Square管理合伙人巴维克?特里维迪(Bhavik Trivedi)表示,与所释放的负面信号相比,受影响人群的绝对数目没那么重要。Critical Square是一家为MBA的申请者服务的咨询机构。
The absolute numbers matter less than the negative message, says Bhavik Trivedi, managing partner of Critical Square, an adviser for MBA applicants.
“The leaning of the country is concerning,” he says. “What does this say about the US, its ecosystem and its people?”