This American Couple Are the World's Most Tattooed Senior Citizens
67岁的Charlotte Guttenberg身体上纹身面积高达91.5%,是吉尼斯纪录世界上拥有纹身最多的老妇人。她的伴侣,75岁的Charles "Chuck" Helmke,则成为世界上拥有最多纹身的老年男性,纹身面积高达93.75%。
At age 67, Charlotte Guttenberg holds the Guinness record for the world's most tattooed female senior citizen, with 91.5% of her body covered in artistic inking. Her life partner, 75-year-old Charles "Chuck" Helmke, holds the same record for the male category, with 93.75% of his body covered in colorful tattoos.
Charlotte 是在11年前拥有第一个纹身的。那年生日,她在胸上纹了只蝴蝶作为自己的生日礼物。后来,她迷上了这种艺术形式,但她2001年过世的前夫对此一直反对。最初,她也没想到自己后来会拥有这么多纹身,但从第一滴墨水融进皮肤开始,她就一发不可收拾。10年过去了,她全身91.5%的面积覆盖有纹身。现在的她,就像一个行走的活壁画!
Charlotte only started getting tattoos 11 years ago, when she decided to get a butterfly inked on her chest, as a birthday present. She had always been fascinated with tattoos as an art form, but her late husband, who passed away in 2001, didn't approve of them. She hadn't planned on having almost her entire body covered in permanent artworks, but after that first tattoo, she couldn't stop adding more of them, and over just one decade, she managed to cover 91.5% with ink. She is now pretty much a walking, talking body mural.
Charlotte来自佛罗里达州墨尔本市,去年,前记录持有者Isobel Varley去世后,她就成了吉尼斯纪录世界上拥有纹身最多的老妇人。Charlotte是Isobel的粉丝,还专门在Facebook上想方设法认识她。
Charlotte, of Melbourne, Florida, received the title of World's Most Tattooed Senior Citizen (women) last year, after the previous holder, Isobel Varley passed away. Guttenberg had been a huge fan of hers, and even got to know her through Facebook.
Despite having covered almost her entire body with colorful tattoos, most of them inspired by Japanese culture, Charlotte Guttenberg doesn't plan on stopping any time soon. She has already decided on adding a new artwork on her head.
Despite her unconventional appearance, Charlotte has what you'd call a very normal, mundane life. She works as a writer, and is also certified as a personal trainer and life coach.
现在Charlotte和她的伴侣Charles "Chuck" Helmke生活在一起。Charles是世界上纹身最多的老年男性记录持有者。他们俩在纹身的时候相遇相识,发现除了对纹身的喜爱,还有更多其他共同爱好。Charles是一位退休的防卫教练,也热爱写作和健身,跟Charlotte志同道合。
Charlotte Guttenberg lives with her life partner, Charles "Chuck" Helmke, who holds the Guinness record of the world's most tattooed male senior citizen. They met – you guessed it – while getting tattoos, and discovered they actually had more in common that their love for ink. Charles, a retired defense trainer, shares her passion for fitness, and is also a writer.
在最近吉尼斯世界纪录官方的采访中,Charlotte Guttenberg说上次被认证后,她又添了些新纹身,现在全身已经有95%的面积覆盖有纹身。
In a recent interview with Guinness World Records, Charlotte Guttenberg revealed that since being originally assessed by the organization and awarded her title, she has had more work done and currently has around 95% of her body covered in tattoos.