Solar Powered Cars Race Across the Australian Outback
Despite technological advances in fuel and engine efficiencies, vehicles remain high on the list of polluters. In the U.S alone, carbon emissions from gas-powered cars and other vehicles account for about 27% of our total greenhouse-gas output annually. The 'World Solar Challenge' hopes to change that some day with cars fueled by our biggest, cleanest, and cheapest, source of energy - The sun!
比赛激发着各大学和科研机构投入太阳能汽车的发明设计之中。参赛团队必须驾驶太阳能汽车,从澳大利亚北部地方首府达尔文市出发,一路向南,穿越澳大利亚大陆3000 公里(2896英里)的沙漠地带,抵达终点阿德莱德市。这项比赛每两年举行一次,是澳大利亚人Hans Tholstrup和Larry Perkins在1987年发起的。去年的比赛时间为10月18号到25号,持续了一周,有来自25个国家的40多组青年工程师参加。
The competition challenges universities and technical institutions to design and compete solar-powered vehicles in races across the Australian Outback all the way from Darwin to Adelaide, a distance of 3,000 km (2,896 miles). Started in 1987 by Australians Hans Tholstrup and Larry Perkins, the challenge is held every two years. Last year's event that took place the week of October 18th - 25th attracted 40 teams of young engineers from 25 nations around the world.
虽然最初只限太阳能汽车参赛,现在电力汽车也能加入其中。 不过,还是太阳能汽车比较夺人眼球,因为它们技术超前且外形炫酷。
Though the initial competitions focused on vehicles powered exclusively by the sun, the scope has been now broadened to include energy efficient electric cars as well. However, it is still the solar-powered cars that attract the most attention because they are the most technologically advanced and pretty radical looking.
去年太阳能组的前两名来自荷兰。来自Delft科技大学的Nuon SolarTeam获得了冠军。 自2003年开始参加比赛,该队已六次夺冠。不对称设计的Nuon8号只有40公斤(88磅),比它的前身Nuon7号更轻,静力充能时也更有效率。它的太阳能板放置在“鸭嘴状”外凸的车前顶端,能更高效吸收太阳能,同时减少风力阻碍。
Last year's top two in that solar-powered category came from the Netherlands.The Nuon Solar team from the Delft University of Technology took the gold. This was the team's sixth win since they began entering the challenge in 2003. The asymmetrical Nuon8 was not only 40 kg (88 lbs) lighter than its predecessor Nuon7, but also, more efficient at charging itself kinetically via static energy. Its solar panels sat atop the vehicle's extended 'duck beak-like' front section, allowing for efficient energy absorption, while minimizing wind resistance.
荷兰队的夺冠之路非常艰辛。之前的比赛中,它们几乎能超过竞争对手数小时的车程。而今年,Nuon8仅比第二名Red One早3分钟到达重点线。
Though the Dutch team did eke out a win, it was not easy. In previous competitions they had managed to outpace competitors by several hours. This year, their Nuon8 arrived at the finish line just three minutes ahead of second-place winner, Red One!