Five unforgettable last girls in horror movies

2015-11-02 「 5988 words / 12 minute 」
Five unforgettable last girls in horror movies.jpg
Her friends are dead; she looks like hell; the guy with the knife won’t let up. Meet the final girl.
影迷们熟悉的“最后的女孩”源自于刑房电影(grindhouse cinema)类型,她是恐怖电影中那种坚强面对杀手的女性角色。令观众们激动的是,她总能靠武器和智慧赢得电影里的战斗,还能为片中的流血和阴郁带来一个升华性的结局。
Rooted in grindhouse cinema, the final girl, as she’s known to fans, is the feisty character who’s left to face the killer in a horror movie. To cheers from the audience, she usually wins the climactic combat with weapons and wit, providing a cathartic end to the gore and gloom.
“你希望这些少年们遇到恐怖的结局,但那个‘最后的女孩’挺身反抗,”恐怖电影日志“最后的女孩”(Final Girl)的作者斯塔西·庞德(Stacie Ponder)说,“这个女人是最后的胜利者。”
“You want these teens to meet horrible ends, but the final girl goes against that,” said Stacie Ponder, the writer of the horror movie blog Final Girl. “It’s a woman who’s ultimately victorious.”
“最后的女孩”几乎都是年轻的、异性恋的白种人,在男性主导的恐怖电影界经历了复杂的演化。对于某些影迷来说(包括女影迷),她是叛逆的女权主义者;但是另一些人觉得她是男权主义幻想的象征。她发源于20世纪70年代初,最开始是一个性别色彩不明显的“好女孩”形象,通常有个男性化的名字,诸如“克里斯”之类,她能活下来与其说是因为敢于斗争,倒不如说是靠运气。把时间拨回1984年,《猛鬼街》(A Nightmare on Elm Street)中推出了一个先发制人的“最后的女孩”,她在家乡设下陷阱,追捕变态弗瑞迪·克鲁格(Freddy Krueger)。
The final girl — almost always white, young and straight(ish) — has had a complicated evolution in the male-dominated horror world. She’s a feminist renegade to some fans, including women, but a sexist fantasy figure to others. Originating in the early 1970s as a sexless “good” girl, usually with a masculine name like Chris, she survived more by luck than by aggression. Fast forward to 1984, when “A Nightmare on Elm Street” introduced a proactive final girl who booby-trapped her home to catch Freddy Krueger.
真正改变规则的电影是1996年的《惊声尖叫》(Scream),里面有一个掌控全局的“最后的女孩”,她知道身为“最后的女孩”意味着什么。新片《最后的女孩》(The Final Girls)中的时空旅行推出了两个新花样:母亲和女儿的“最后的女孩”组合,以及催人泪下的结局。
A game changer arrived in 1996, when the winking “Scream” featured an in-control final girl who knew what a final girl was. Time travel in the new film “The Final Girls” introduces two fresh twists: mother-daughter final girls and a tear-jerker ending.
What other final girls are worth a look this Halloween? Here are five standout women you don’t want to mess with.
演员:奥莉薇娅·荷塞(Olivia Hussey)
Actress: Olivia Hussey
影片:《黑色圣诞节》(Black Christmas, 1974)
Movie: “Black Christmas” (1974)
Character: Jess
这部加拿大假日恐怖电影为女权主义“最后的女孩”设立了标杆。杰丝面对腐朽的男人们绝不退让,其中包括占有欲强的男友、无能的警察和精神错乱的杀手,他杀死了她女生联谊会的姊妹们。影片深入探索了她的人生,包括结婚与流产的决定。正如恐怖电影博客写手凯特·霍根(Kate Hogan)所写的,很少有“最后的女孩”能够说出如此“极度激进的台词”。
This Canadian holiday horror movie set a standard for feminist final girls. Jess refuses to back down from rotten men, including a possessive boyfriend, inept police and the unhinged killer wiping out her sorority sisters. Her life, including decisions about marriage and abortion, is keenly explored. Few final girls get such an “incredibly radical through line,” as the horror blogger Kate Hogan put it.
演员:玛丽莲·伯恩斯(Marilyn Burns)
Actress: Marilyn Burns
影片:《得州电锯杀人狂》(The Texas Chainsaw Massacre, 1974)
Movie: “The Texas Chainsaw Massacre” (1974)
Character: Sally
There’s not much fight to Sally. But that’s to be expected after Leatherface chases her through the Texas night. She’s also stuffed in a bag and hit with a broom by a deranged cook. She’s tied to a chair, forced to sit at a beastly dinner table with a gruesome family of homicidal maniacs. To escape, she jumps through a window. Battered and bloodied, she stumbles away from the killer and flees in the back of a pickup truck, diminished to a cackling mess. How was your day?
演员:杰米·李·柯蒂斯(Jamie Lee Curtis)
Actress: Jamie Lee Curtis
Movie: “Halloween” (1978)
Character: Laurie
在约翰·卡朋特(John Carpenter)这个广为人模仿的故事里,“最后的女孩”在90分钟内从纯真的看护者变成了坚强的保护人。她使用毛衣针、衣架和一把刀对抗小大人杀人狂迈克尔·迈耶斯(Michael Myers)。尽管劳瑞是恐怖电影界最受钟爱的“最后的女孩”,但最后她还是被唐纳德·普利森斯(Donald Pleasence)饰演的男主角拯救。不过她仍然扮演了关键性角色,是“虚无与死亡中的一线希望,让人看到有人可以挺过一切”,庞德女士说道。
In John Carpenter’s much-copied tale, the final girl goes from innocent babysitter to tenacious protector in 90 minutes. She uses a knitting needle, a coat hanger and a knife against the maniac man-child Michael Myers. Though Laurie is one of horror’s beloved final girls, she is saved by a man (Donald Pleasence). Still, she serves a crucial function, which is to be a “ray of hope that it’s not all nihilism and death, that somebody can make it through,” Ms. Ponder said.
演员:艾米·斯蒂尔(Amy Steel)
Actress: Amy Steel
影片:《13号星期五 2》(Friday the 13th,Part 2,1981)
Movie: “Friday the 13th, Part 2” (1981)
Character: Ginny
为了智胜面具恶人杰森(Jason),这位“最后的女孩”得好好动用智慧。她穿上他妈妈的毛线衣,假扮成他的妈妈。“她是一个心理学学生,用上了自己学到的一切去对付这个杀手,”庞德女士说。“她反应敏捷,长时间地和他交谈,得以借机发起反击,最终脱身。”但当杰森明白过来,金妮也试着用大砍刀杀死他,不过没有成功,为《13号星期五 3》埋下了伏笔。
To outsmart the masked evildoer Jason, this final girl uses her wits: She puts on his mother’s sweater and pretends to be her. “She used what she learned as a psych major against the killer,” Ms. Ponder said. “She thought on her feet and talked him down long enough to enable herself to strike and to get away.” But when Jason wises up, Ginny tries to kill him with a machete. That doesn’t work. Cue “Friday the 13th, Part III.”
演员:简·詹森(Jan Jensen)
Actress: Jan Jensen
影片:《最后的永眠聚会》(The Last Slumber Party, 1988)
Movie: “The Last Slumber Party” (1988)
Character: Chris
Wearing just a sports jersey, this foul-mouthed, sex-loving final girl calmly hunts down a scalpel-wielding mental patient who has killed her friends at a party on the last day of school. An ultra-low-budget riff on the “Slumber Party Massacre” series, this film features two anomalies: a final girl who’s not virginal and — spoiler alert — a final girl who dies. Or does she?