Softbank Alibaba Foxconn will jointly promote the robot

2015-06-25 「 1765 words / 4 minute 」
Softbank Alibaba Foxconn will jointly promote the robot .jpg
由日本亿万富翁孙正义(Masayoshi Son)创办的科技集团软银(Softbank),正在与电商集团阿里巴巴(Alibaba)及苹果(Apple)供应商富士康(Foxconn)成立机器人合资企业,大举押注于智能个人机器人的未来增长。
SoftBank, the tech group founded by Japanese billionaire Masayoshi Son, is forming a robotics venture with ecommerce group Alibaba and Apple supplier Foxconn, betting big on the future growth of intelligent personal robots.
孙正义与阿里巴巴创始人马云(Jack Ma)预测未来的机器人将会比人类更聪明,他们称与互联网连接的机器人将会是创新的未来方向。
Mr Son and Jack Ma, the founder of Alibaba, predicted a future when robots would become smarter than humans, saying robots connected to the internet would be the future of innovation.
“Robots are going to be as popular as cars,” Mr Ma said yesterday in a joint appearance with Mr Son on the outskirts of Tokyo. “They will be everywhere and I think we all have to get ready for that.”
A year ago, Mr Son introduced the world to the androgynous 1.2 metre tall machine called Pepper, which moves on wheels and looks as if it is wearing an iPad as a pendant.
Mr Son highlighted technological advances in Pepper, claiming that the robot could not only read human emotions, but also express feelings of its own that change according to how people interact with it.
“In 30 years, I hope robots will become one of the core businesses in generating profits for the SoftBank group,” Mr Son said.
Pepper will be sold to the general public in Japan for Y198,000 ($1,600). Mr Son said the company would aim for monthly production of 1,000 units of Pepper, starting this month.