针对法国讽刺杂志《查理周刊》(Charlie Hebdo)编辑部的血腥攻击,只能招来最深刻的厌恶。这是一起可怕的恐怖主义暴行,造成了至少12名无辜者丧生。
The bloody assault on the offices of the French satirical magazine, Charlie Hebdo, can only provoke the most profound revulsion. This was a dreadful terrorist atrocity that has claimed the lives of at least 12 innocent people.
Our first response must be to mourn the victims, four of whom were the magazine’s well-known cartoonists and two of them police officers. But this was more than a human tragedy. It was a calculated act of intimidation, an attack on the freedom of expression that is the pillar of any democratic society. It was designed to seed an insidious form of self-censorship. It must be roundly and defiantly condemned.
Nearly a decade has passed since a Danish newspaper first attracted the ire of Muslims by publishing cartoons that lampooned the Prophet Mohammed. What started with peaceful protests and consumer boycotts has steadily descended into violence. This is not the first time Charlie Hebdo has been attacked for publishing its own cartoons satirising Islam. Its offices were firebombed three years ago.
But yesterday’s events mark a new and sinister step in the escalating conflict between faith and free expression. The sight of three masked men wielding AK47s in the middle of a European capital, gunning down policemen and stalking the magazine’s offices in search of their victims, will understandably send a chill throughout the western world.
For the security services in France and across Europe, the attack will prompt many questions. It is unclear whether the assailants were on the radar of the French authorities and whether they were assisted by overseas militant groups.
Many of the recent jihadist attacks — in Sydney and Ottawa — have been conducted by “lone wolves”. The concerted nature of Wednesday’s assault — and also the attackers’ flight from the scene rather than resorting to siege and suicide tactics — suggests a less familiar modus operandi.
在未来几天里,很多人将关注法国社会受到的影响。在该国深陷政治和经济困境之际,以马琳•勒庞(Marine Le Pen)为首的反移民政党“国民阵线”(National Front),可能受益于一股新的反伊斯兰情绪。此次袭击是对政府有关部门发起的挑战,这些部门现在必须追查袭击者,将他们绳之以法。但更为广义的挑战在于,政治人物和公众要坚守法国的核心世俗价值观,在不挑动盲目复仇之火的前提下表达反抗情绪。
In the days ahead many will be watching the impact on French society. At a time of deep political and economic malaise, the anti-immigrant National Front led by Marine Le Pen may profit from a new burst of anti-Islamic feeling. The attack is a challenge to the state authorities who must now find the attackers and bring them to justice. But the broader challenge is for politicians and the public to cleave to France’s core secular values and express defiance without stoking the fires of blind revenge.
In any democratic society, there should always be room for a civilised debate about taste and propriety when it comes to the mockery of any religious faith. But what cannot be challenged is the fundamental right of all citizens to express themselves freely within the law. In an age marked by growth in religious belief and the increasing politicisation of faith, all religion must be open to opinion, analysis and lampoonery.
过去四分之一世纪期间,先后有过不少使用恐吓手段压制讽刺和异见的尝试。伊朗政权确立了先例,发出针对作家萨尔曼•拉什迪(Salman Rushdie)的追杀令,就为了他写的小说《撒旦诗篇》(The Satanic Verses)。朝鲜最近使用网络暴力试图阻止一部嘲讽该国领导人金正恩(Kim Jong Un)的电影发行。
In the past quarter century there have been many attempts to use intimidation to silence satire and dissent. The Iranian regime set the precedent when it issued a fatwa against the author Salman Rushdie in response to his book The Satanic Verses. North Korea used cyber violence to prevent the distribution of an unflattering film about its leader Kim Jong Un.
Now we have the appalling spectacle in Paris. The response of the free world to this must be unwavering. Charlie Hebdo may be a very different publication to our own, but the courage of its journalists — and their right to publish — cannot be placed in doubt. A free press is worth nothing if its practitioners do not feel free to speak.